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BidGrid Update: Future Pairings 🔮

Be aware, since bid statuses fluctuate, there may be no "future pairings" with the same bid status as the historical data selected. Example: Domestic 320/CA pairings have been switched to the International in May, 2024.

BidGrid Updates ⚡️

Added property Prefer Deadheads
Fixed defect in property Avoid Deadheads
Fixed defect in property Prefer Position Order
Corrected DFW/320/CA/PD historical data from June 2023
Fixed calculation for property MAX TAFB Credit Ratio and clarified usage
Fixed input for property Min Avg Credit Per Duty Period
Fixed Pairing Region selections: Europe, South America, ASIA, Caribbean & Central America, and Middle East
Fixed Pairing Type selection: Transcon
Fixed Seniority input to support decimals
Fixed miscellaneous missing pairing award dates

Add the Upcoming Bid Month data to BidGrid.
Fixed pairing days of week data for Jan through April 2024
Properties Added to BidGrid

BidGrid was updated to include the following properties: Max TAFB Credit Ratio, Avoid Deadheads, Avoid Landings At City, Avoid Layover At City, Mid Pairing Release Before, and Mid Pairing Report After.

Bug fix for BidGrid 🐛

There was a bug with Layover Cities not displaying correctly in BidGrid. This has now been fixed. Simply refresh your browser window and you will have the updated version.

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